Town Plan Commission
There will be a Town Plan Commission Meeting on Tuesday, October 9, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. at the Highland Town Hall. Item for discussion will be the Petition to Rezone from Neal Hessen from F-1 to RR-1. 7544 S Castle Road.
Proposed Resolution to Propose Exceeding Levy Limits
This will be on the agenda for the October 9th Board Meeting. If the Board approves this, it will go to a Special Meeting of the Electors in November. More information will be available at the October 9th Meeting at 7:00 at the Highland Town Hall. Resolution of the Highland Town Board to Propose […]
Regular Town Board Meeting
The Regular Town Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. at the Highland Town Hall. The Board will meet at 6:30 p.m. to review correspondence and disbursements. An agenda will be posted.
Request for Bids for placement of Gravel
NOTICE The Town of Highland is requesting bids for the placement of gravel on the following road segments. Each segment to be bid separately. Gravel needs to be placed prior to the road being pulverized by outside contractor (to be determined). After road is pulverized, gravel supplier will need to return to compact and […]
Part Time Snow Plow Operator Needed
The Town of Highland has an opening for a part time seasonal snow plow driver. Wage will be based on experience. Resumes should be sent to Town Clerk, PO Box 22, Lake Nebagamon, WI 54849 or faxed to (715) 374-2059. Resumes should be received by September 11, 2018.